Opening hours, Sessions & Fees

Shepherdswell Pre-School is open approximately 38 weeks of the year (term time only). We follow the term times as specified by Kent County Council.

The pre-school is currently open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 3pm.

Please note - 08:30-09:00am is chargeable and not included in Free Early Education

The pre-school is registered for "Free for 2 Funding” and Free Early Education can be used to pay for up to 15 hours a week during term time, in addition to 30 hours free Early Education for qualifying parents.

Free for 2 funding eligibility - if a family is in receipt of certain benefits, they may be able to get up to 15 hours over 38 weeks a year free childcare for their 2 year old. Kent County Councils website has more information on how to apply for free early education for 2 year olds.

If applying for Free for 2 Funding, your eligibility email needs to be sent to the preschool.

If your child receives Free Early Education, the entitlement is 15 hours per week up to 30 hours if parents qualify. Your child becomes eligible for Free Early Education the term after they become 3 years of age.

In order to access free early education, you will be required to complete a parental declaration form (termly) confirming your free early education hours. we also need to see your child’s original birth certificate or passport to confirm their date of birth

If applying for 30 hours free early education, you will need to supply your eligibility code the term before you require the funding.

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) - provides extra funding for 3 and 4 year old children who have parents that are in receipt of certain benefits or have been in care or adopted from care.

disability access fund (DAF) - to support children with disabilities or special educational needs. 3 and 4 year old children may be eligible for DAF if they meet the following criteria:

  • the child is in receipt of disability living allowance (DLA)

  • the child receives free early education and childcare entitlement

Available hours:

Monday 8.30am start 9am - 12 noon 9am - 1pm 9am - 3pm 1pm - 3pm

Tuesday 8.30am start 9am - 12 noon 9am - 1pm 9am - 3pm 1pm - 3pm

Wednesday 8.30am start 9am - 12 noon 9am - 1pm 9am - 3pm 1pm - 3pm

Thursday 8.30am start 9am - 12 noon 9am - 1pm 9am - 3pm 1pm - 3pm

Friday 8.30am start 9am - 12 noon 9am - 1pm 9am - 3pm 1pm - 3pm

Shepherdswell Pre-School charges £7.50 per hour ( with effect from January 2024).

snack fees:

There is also an additional voluntary healthy snack fee of £2.00 per child per week for fee paying children and children in receipt of Free Early Education.

There is a voluntary snack fee of £3.00 per child per week for children receiving extended 30 hours funding.

Fees must still be paid if children are absent without notice for a short period of time. If your child has to be absent over a long period of time, talk to the committee chairperson or preschool manager. For your child to keep their place at the preschool, you must pay the fees.

Notice is one month in advance for chargeable hours and must be given in writing or the following months fees will be charged.

The preschool operates a monthly billing system where bills are issued one month in advance.

Please see our 'Fees and Charges' policy for further details

If parent/carers fail to collect their child on time and all named emergency contacts are unavailable we reserve the right to contact the relevant Social Services department for advice and assistance. As stated in our Non-Collection of children policy.